projects ANIART
CRM solution for hotels on Bitrix24CRM
How does automation of one process influence the whole business
How we automated booking on Bitrix24
Just a small investment into CRM can spare a lot of your business resources!
The price of error in hospitality
Hospitality has its own peculiarities as any other business. One of them is the cost of a mistake. A
professional and elaborate service aimed for finding new customers and holding them can be ruined due to a single mistake of one person. As a result, the company loses the customer choosing the services of the competitors. The most frustrating thing is that this happens usually not due to incompetence. During usual seasonal overload professional and friendly employees, yet tired and bugged may simply make "oversights". Eventually, people are who they are, and not all customer shows patience and understanding. But it's much more frustrating to lose a standing customer while a lot of efforts and time was spent. One accidental slip negates efforts of many people, hits in the hotel profit and reputation what
are gained for years.

"Working with people" on the both sides of the reception won't guarantee anything because the "human factor" can be liquidated only by "removing" the human from the system as far as possible (in our case — from the booking, check-in and accounting system).
We tried solving this problem and this is what we got...
There are no perfect solutions, but something can be done
Booking in a hotel is a conventional task of a high-quality customer service. In fact, this is not difficult, but the task contains a lot of points which should be agreed: customers change their wishes, days of arrival and departure, etc., but the main thing is that every customer requires personal attention and all the requests and order peculiarities should be recorded so that the hotel manager would quickly respond to the situation. As a result, the manager has to take many decisions in combination with a lot of routine procedures on the background of the seasonal overload. This causes various expenses including such ordinary reason as loss of booking application.
What can our solution do:

Fully solving the "human factor" problem: it's impossible to make a mistake — everything is controlled by the system.

It solves the communications' problem because only one manager controls the process.

Reduces the requirements to the staff qualification: the job is minimized to maximally simple actions, mostly, pressing on buttons.

Utterly simplifies and accelerates the calculation (billing by the accountant's office was never a fast process, but inside the system this is performed very quickly)

Assumes further development for other services, in particular, using a chat bot for 24h booking and payment.

A great effect is due to implementing taking into consideration the relative simplicity of the business process and little expenses.

The solution is universal: it is suitable both for large and small hotels including networking ones.
How does it work?
Automation on Bitrix24 is easy and cheap under the proper conditions!

Visitors leave the applications on the hotel website

All application parameters are recorded in the system: number of guests, date of arrival and departures,
nutrition, dwelling, peculiarities (children, pets) etc.

Further, all above-listed conditions are agreed and often this is not very fast. The customer wants to see
the total cost depending on the number of rooms, days, nights, breakfasts, dinners and many other
parameters. If, formerly, this required repeated agreement upon the points with the hotel manager, now
the system provides the customer with the options and calculates the cost automatically.

While agreeing the conditions, the manager performs utterly simple and clear actions, i.e. presses on
"Confirm booking" and "Prepare a bill for accommodation" buttons.

The customer receives a message with maximally full information and options including a pay for
accommodation online, add the hotel on his/her maps and get directions, add the event to the App Wallet

If the booking conditions are changed, the bill is generated again automatically and the customer instantly
receives the detailed documentation with new conditions.

The customer can pay for the recreation partially (by paying in advance) or fully.

All operations with the customer are captured by the system and the phone conversation between the
manager and customer is recorded automatically so that all disputes can be easily resolved.

All information about the customer is saved in the system so a full customer history is recorded and the
hotel owner, manager and other authorized persons can access it immediately.

Other things would like to be highlighted
Out conclusions upon completing the work:
1. Automation of the booking and check-in system based on Bitrix24 is a maximally prompt, simple, efficient and highly viable solution for all kinds of hotels.

2. Implementing this system into the hotel operation results in sparing the time of the staff and labor effort, full accountancy and control; this is incommensurate with expenses on automation.

3. You receive a turnkey solution which can be used for work in mere hours.

4. We are always open for a meaningful dialogue, especially, in the run-up to the holiday season!
We offer the performed work as a ready-made solution which can be installed and
launched within an hour.


Ukraine, 09108 Kyiv region, city Bila Tserkva Levanevskoho Street, bldg. 64, office 4
+38 (050) 661-78-23
+38 (050) 661-78-23
+38 (050) 661-78-23
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